ANOS Vic. Logo

Australasian Native Orchid Society
(Victoria Group) Inc.

Coming Up

1/09/24 - Conservation Group

Caladenia cretacea search, Stuart Mill.

6/09/24 - September Meeting

Sylvia Kappl presenting "Sarcochilus and Friends".

7/09/24 - Terrestrial Seed Group

Learn the techniques of growing terrestrial orchids from seed.

8/09/24 - Epiphyte Study Group

Hosted by George & Fran Byrne-Dimos, topic Sarcochilus falcatus.

9/09/24 - Conservation Group

Diuris fragrantissima site maintenance, Sunshine.

14-15/09/24 - Orchid Stewards Group

Caladenia searches around St Arnaud and Heathcote.

17/09/24 - Conservation Group

Diuris fragrantissima site maintenance, Laverton.

21-23/09/24 - Conservation & Terrestrial Study Groups

Spider orchid searches, Eastern Victoria.

23/09/24 - Conservation Group

Diuris fragrantissima site maintenance, Sunshine.

28 & 29/09/24 - Annual Spring Show

Australasian orchid displays, orchid sales and orchid related art.

4/10/24 - October Meeting

Guest speaker and presentation topic to be advised.


The Australasian Native Orchid Society (Victorian Group) Inc., known as "ANOS Vic.", is an organisation of both amateur and professional orchid enthusiasts dedicated to the cultivation, conservation and scientific study of native orchids in the Australasian region.

We are one of many groups which operate throughout the region under the ANOS parent body.  We are a very active society with over 450 memberships and several sub-groups that organise activities on a regular basis.

Glossodia major

Our Objectives

ANOS (Victorian Group) Inc. promotes the appreciation, culture, propagation and scientific knowledge of the native orchids of Australasia; encourages the propagation of endangered orchid species of our region; promotes the conservation of the orchids of Australasia in their native habitats; and discourages the destruction of their environment.


What We Do

ANOS Victoria holds formal meetings once a month, where members can display their Australasian orchids, listen to learned speakers on various orchid related topics and discuss aspects of orchid culture and conservation. At our meetings orchids can be purchased from members and commercial growers.

We are a non-judging society, so as to encourage a free exchange of ideas and cultivation techniques between members.

Within the Victorian Group are several sub-groups which focus on specific aspects of Australasian orchids.
These groups are:

Apart from our regular meetings and activities we publish a monthly Bulletin, which reports on previous activities and upcoming events as well as containing articles on our orchids and cultivation techniques

We also produce publications on the cultivation on Australasian orchids for sale to members and the general public.

Each year we operate a tuber bank. Members are encouraged to donate tubers to the tuber bank, so that other members may purchase them.

ANOS Vic Logo

Our Emblem and Constitution

Calochilus richiae (Bald-tip Beard Orchid), underlines our goals as a member of the ANOS group. It is one of Victoria's most endangered orchids, surviving as a single colony of fewer than ten known individual plants. It is under threat from trampling and site disturbance caused by illegal firewood collection and/or gold prospecting. Its long-term survival is dependent upon the development of conservation techniques as well as protection and management of the habitat.

Download a PDF copy of the ANOS Victoria Constitution (2019 Update).